
Gem install jekyll bundler
Gem install jekyll bundler

gem install jekyll bundler gem install jekyll bundler

What matters is that after they save the Gemfile, they need to run bundle update because github-pages only supports jekyll 3.9.0 currently.

gem install jekyll bundler

In step 8, they are told to comment out the jekyll gem, so it doesn't matter if they used a more recent version of jekyll to create the site initially. , which will create the Jekyll site using whatever version of Jekyll is currently installed (most likely 4.2.0). Instead of adding more steps, I think it's best to simplify step 7 to just jekyll new. Also, the Bundler section is more confusing than helpful because for bundle exec to work, a Gemfile must exist in the directory, but the instructions don’t mention that. The jekyll new command does not accept a version number, at least not like it is documented in GitHub docs. Step 7 is also both confusing and incorrect. they replaced VERSION with the version of jekyll listed on the Dependency versions page instead of the github-pages version.they tried to run bundle update github-pages.they didn't uncomment the # gem "github-pages" line.If you search for could not find gem github-pages in your favorite search engine, you'll find that the instructions caused people to do one or more of the following things: What article on is affected?Ĭreating a GitHub Pages site with Jekyll What part(s) of the article would you like to see updated?

Gem install jekyll bundler